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ASP Nuke Tasks:
Install & Setup
Kenneth W Richards
This FAQ covers some basic issues you may have when trying to setup and install ASP Nuke on your web server.
1. What are the requirements for ASP Nuke?
ASP Nuke requires that you use IIS 5.0 or better with the Windows Scripting Host (VBScript) version 5.5 or better. This should be the default setup for a Windows 2000 server.
For database, we require Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The application may work on SQL Server 7 but we have not tested it yet and need someone to verify this for us. In the future we may support other databases (such as Access).
No other third-party components or COM objects need to be registered in order to run this application. It is designed to run strictly on a base IIS configuration. You may need to set some folder permissions to allow for uploading of images and files (if you want to run modules which require this).
2. Where do I install ASP Nuke?
Install the web scripts under a web site folder under your web site root (typically C:inetpubwwwroot). The best way to do this is just to unpack the project (.zip file) directly to the folder where you want it installed. The zip file preserves the path structure you need to setup all necessary folders and scripts.
The initial version required that you install ASP Nuke at the "root-level" of your web site (meaning it couldn't be placed in the sub-folder of a site folder). With the release of version 0.55, we now allow you to setup ASP nuke in a sub-folder.
3. Do I need the global.asa file when ASP Nuke is installed in a sub-folder?
Yes, you need to leave the global.asa file in your sub-folder. The setup script searches for this when ASP Nuke is first accessed (either through running the setup script for the first time or after your server is restarted).
You need to place your database connection string in this file. It is the only configuration item that cannot be retrieved from the database. Before you run the setup script, you need to edit this file and enter your SQL Server database connection string. An example string is provided in the global.asa file that comes in the install package.
4. Will this conflict with my current web site?
If you install ASP Nuke as a separate web site with it's own database, you will have no problems. It's only when you install the ASP Nuke application within an existing web site or database you may run into problems.
The database uses a table prefix of "tbl". If your tables use the same prefix, you will need to go through and make sure that none of the table names conflict with your existing tables. ASP Nuke uses no stored procedures, user-defined functions or views to allow for better portability.
ASP Nuke uses the Application object for managing global settings, configuration and caching of content on various pages. There are many instances where this could interfere with your web site. For now, you will need to search all of the script files for instances of these.
5. What is this "Invalid ProgID" error in my browser?
Invalid ProgID is the Microsoft error displayed when the scripting engine cannot create an instance of a COM object. Although ASP Nuke uses no third-party COM objects, it does make use of some of the common ASP objects that are installed by default.
Among these are:
- Scripting.FileSystemObject
- Scripting.Dictionary
- RegExp
All of these objects are installed with VBScript version 5.5 or better. If you happen to see this error and then go to check the source and see that it is trying to create one of these objects, you may need to install the latest version of VBScript available from the Microsoft site:
Microsoft Windows Script Downloads
If your web site is being hosted by a third-party, they might have uninstalled some of the common IIS components because they pose a security risk. You will need to discuss this with your hosting company (or ISP) to determine a solution for this.
6. Why does setup1.asp show an error "Submatches" is an invalid property?
The sub-matches property for the Match collection is provided with windows scripting 5.5 or better. The latest download for this is found on Microsoft's site at:
Microsoft Scripting Download
You also should be running IIS version 5.0 or better. IIS 5.0 is the default web server for windows 2000 servers.
7. I have an "Invalid Date Format" error when running the setup script and my database language is not English
Yes, the solution for this is pretty simple... add the following code to the beginning of setup2.asp (on a line by itself at the beginning of the script):
This should allow the database to recognize dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy regardless of what language your database is using.
Please refer to the README document that comes with the ASP Nuke install package for more information. If you have any further questions, please feel free to post them in the ASP Nuke forum.
Last Updated: Saturday, November 15, 2003
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