ASP Nuke

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Profilo perkencyber

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Nome Completo    Ken Richards
Locazione San Diego, CA
E-Mail [email protected]
Homa Page

Biografia Utente

Ken Richards is the owner and lead developer of the ASP Nuke project. He has been working professionally as a web developer for 7 years now and has been working with computers for a lot longer than that.

He is 34 years old and currently working for a company in San Diego developing web applications in ASP. This is his first major open-source project that has been unleashed upon the world.

Please send me suggestions on how I can make this web portal more useful to you and your users. Also, I would appreciate it if you could spread the word about this web portal project.

Now i need to fix some vulnerabilities that caused this profile to be edited by some a useless dumbass.

hohoho snake-attack (read more about asp:

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Totale pagine viste a partire da
Sept 19, 2003


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